Ahmedabad. In another blocking incident related to IIPM, Facebook profile of an IIM Ahmedabad student has been blocked by the DoT following a court order based on complaints from an IIPM student.
Last night, when Rahul Sharma, a 2nd year MBA (not recognized by UGC) student of IIM-A, tried to log into his Facebook profile, it redirected him to a webpage saying “Dare to think beyond Facebook”.
After dozens of emails and phone calls to various authorities, Rahul came to know that the URL to his profile was blocked by the Indian ISPs because he was accused of “damaging the MBA culture in India” in a court case filed against him.
The case specifically mentioned to the incident where Rahul had ignored an online survey link sent to him by an IIPM student.
“If people start ignoring SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang, PollDaddy, etc. links, how can any MBA student get his market research done, and thus meet the requirements to get the degree?” the lawyer from Silchar, Assam representing the IIPM student explained.
On his part, Rahul claims that he had indeed clicked on the survey link, which is a religious duty of every MBA student across the world, but he found the survey senseless.
“The introduction of the survey form said it was related to standards of higher education in India. But most of the questions in the form were either related to IIPM or Arindam Chaudhuri. For example, there were questions like ‘Do you think Prof. Chaudhuri should change his hairstyle?’ and another question was like ‘Rate the photo of this lady IIPM professor’, and the only options given 9/10 or 10/10,” Rahul recalled.
He claimed that he ignored the whole survey form and replied to sender of mail that it was crap.
“I did get a reply from the creator of the survey saying I had hurt the sentiment of an IIPMian, and that I was acting out of malice because he dared to think beyond IIM i.e. my institute. But I didn’t know he’d go ahead and file a court case!” said a bewildered and shocked Rahul.
The incident has sent shockwaves not only among the IIM students, but every Facebook user.
“What next? Maybe we would be accused of ‘damaging the friendship culture in India’ if we ignore the friend request from an IIPM student?” wondered a Facebook user who didn’t want to be quoted lest his/her profile link was also blocked.
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